Palaeo After Dark

This week we desperately try to remain on topic as we talk about fossil beds with exceptional preservation....


We fail...


Instead, James discusses anger, Amanda wants Robocop because she's OG, Curt confuses gaseous with geishas, and the whole goup details the perfect plot to a hypothetical Predator 3.

Direct download: Podcast_13_-_Columbo_meets_Gary_Busey.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:39am EDT

In this episode, we discuss two studies that try to piece apart the effects that the ecological niche breadth (i.e. the range of habitats an animal can survive in) of an animal has on its potential to diversify and/or survive over long periods of time. Also, Hell freezes over as James manages to come up with a perfect reference to the band "The Descendents".

Direct download: Podcast_12_-_All_its_Decendents.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am EDT