Sun, 26 July 2015
The gang discusses two papers about the evolution (and loss) of hypercarnivory in mammals. Meanwhile, Amanda shares more equine history, Curt does his best to kill a trend, and James goes "nuclear". Please bear with us.... BEAR. "Batty McFaddin" Kevin MacLeod ( References Van Valkenburgh, Blaire, Xiaoming Wang, and John Damuth. "Cope's rule, hypercarnivory, and extinction in North American canids." Science 306.5693 (2004): 101-104. Figueirido, B., et al. "Shape at the crossâroads: homoplasy and history in the evolution of the carnivoran skull towards herbivory." Journal of evolutionary biology 23.12 (2010): 2579-2594.
Direct download: Podcast_63_-_Meaty_The_Evolution_of_Hypercarniovry.mp3
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